Sunday, April 4, 2010


I have made agoal for myself that I am going to try to write on this blog every few weeks. Our old blog is so old I decided to change the blog and start with something new and fresh. Plus this blog set up is so much easier to us. We hope you guys will keep up with us as we try again to keep you up dated.
   These last few months have been crazy. Elena turn 1 in febuary while I turned 30. Elena is talking up a storm (some words only mom and dad can tell) but a lot are very auditable. She is crawling everywhere and getting into it all. She like to walk around the furniture and push her stroller with her dollies. Elena love to wave bye-bye to just about anyone who will giver her their attention. She is a real girl, she love to put dish towels on her head and loves when you tell her she is so pretty. She is a strong will girl, who knows what she wants. She will growl at you when she is not happy with something. Elena is also a sweetheart and loves to give open-mouth kisses( we have to work on that for the futher). So far she only have two teeth but that doesn't stop her eating habits. She loves her Daddy. Sundays Jose and lanie get to spend go time together at church, that is if dad can get her away from the young men who love to hold her.
      Estevan is keeping us busy with Preschool and all the fun things mom plans to keep him busy. We recently went to the nature and science musuem with our friends daughter Angelina and the kids had a blast looking at the Dinosours. Estevan's preschool were going on a sunday, so we took our one feild trip on that saturday. We saw lots of cool  dinosours that us to be in the North Texas and Dallas area. Elena saw a huge sea turtle got excited and called it dad. Estevan loves to play in the back yard. I am always washing mudding clothes. Estevan can't wait for kindergarten. He is always asking when he is going to be 5 1/2, so he can go. He is a great big brother and helps out a ton. Estevan is know by his friends for his imagination. He was using a chair cushion for a skateboard today. We went to a few easter egg hunts. He is so excited for Ester this week that everyday he had a hunt of his own. Hiding his eggs and then finding them. Stevy is so thoughtful and kind, he wanted to make sure I called the easter bunny to remind him to bring a basket for Marcus (the dog).
          Jose and I are busy with daily life. Jose has a new office. His classroom 6,500 sq. ft. and is loving setting up his own office and wing of the building. He is doing so awesome and loves teaching. He is enjoying his calling as clerke at church. He has come up with a program on his palm pilot to count everyone at church. Spring is here which means lawn work and mowing, that he not enjoying. he mowed last week. It rain so much taht the weeds are back to a foot tall. I am enjoying staying home with the kids. I am watching a ltlle girl during the day. She is a mellow child and just melts in with the rest of us. I am enjoying making bows with my friends and all the fun activitys we do. We hope you had a great Easter and hope you have a wonderful Spring. Take care, Karolyn

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